soul whispers v3.0 // version:reflective

A no doubt futile (Karl: Yet unquestionably valiant.) attempt at gathering together the many and varying strands of the SoulBonding community's lexicon, as well as some terms from the multiple, anime and other communities that might be relevant. Where possible we've attempted to credit people; if anyone wants credit for their term or has been credited incorrectly, if your term has been defined incorrectly, or if you'd like to add terms that you've seen used, email!

Note that you in this document is usually used to refer to the perspective of the SoulBonder, and assumes the SoulBonder is fronting.

active  adj., adv. If a SoulBond is active, you can currently feel their presence in your mind (depending on the SoulBond and SoulBonder, this may or may not mean that you can communicate with them, but you are aware of their presence, opinions, and/or influence). If you are aware of what a SoulBond is doing, thinking, feeling etc. at the current time, they are active. The opposite is dormant.

age slider  n. someone whose age changes in a way unrelated to the normal passage of time; age slide, v., to age or de-age in this manner. Age sliders may slide between two or more fixed points (e.g. someone who identifies as between 4 and 8, or 16 and 19), "jump" between fixed points (e.g. someone who can "jump" from being 4, to 16, to 30), or "jump" to one fixed point and stay there (e.g. someone who was 15 and jumped to being 20), amongst other possibilities. Age sliding can happen in both directions (i.e. it's possible to slide to both an earlier age and a later one); it may be controllable, with the person able to slide at will, or may happen involuntarily. Age sliders are in no way related to Sliders, which is a sci-fi series about dimensional travel, much missed by the author of this glossary. ^^;
[--Originated by the multiple community]

age static  n., adj. related to age sliders, someone whose age is fixed at a certain point regardless of the normal passage of time. Someone may age normally up to a certain point and then become age static, or they may simply be "born" a certain age which remains unchanging. Age statics are common particularly amongst outsourced SoulBonds, who often remain at the age they were in the source material when they arrived, and don't change over time.
[--Originated by the multiple community]

alter-ego  n. (also persona, avatar, and similar terms) a character who is not a SoulBond, but a representation, alternate form etc. of yourself. This might be a "version" of you through which you interact with your SBs; a persona you act out on forums, in MUCKs/MUDs etc. who has developed into a full-fledged character; a younger, older, different-gender, different-species etc. version of you (e.g. inner child, furry form); or any other character who you identify too closely with yourself to consider as a separate person in their own right. Alter-egos can become SoulBonds, and SoulBonds can become alter-egos (Riesz from Seiken Densetsu 3 used to be a SoulBond of mine who became an alter-ego).
--N.B. Not to be confused with "alter", a derogatory term that people use for others in a multiple system as they relate to one particular person in the system, assuming that one is the main or "host" and the others are lesser or "alters" (meaning alternate). See also

archetype  n. the "model" or initial concept from which an outsourced SoulBond originates; e.g. all reality-versions of Kinomoto Sakura are derived from the original Card Captor Sakura character as created by CLAMP (even if you derived your SoulBond from fanfic, somewhere along the line they would have to have come from the original - unless they're so far removed from canon that they're unrecognisable as the original character, but that's where the issue starts getting cloudy, so we'll leave it there). "Archetype" means a similar thing to "canon", but has connotations of a source of spiritual energy or inspiration.
[--Originated by Laura Gilkey]

back  n. opposite of front (obviously ^^;), the place where your SoulBonds go when they're not fronting and/or the SoulBonder doesn't know of their location, or cannot/is not interacting with them. If a SoulBond is not interacting with you, the outside world or other SBs currently, or you cannot feel their "presence" ("I sense your presence..." ^^;;), they can be said to be back. Whether "back" designates an actual place or not depends on the SoulBonds and SoulBonder.
See also
dormant, front, middle space.

bishounen  n. Japanese for "beautiful boy"; used to denote "pretty", feminine- or androgynous-looking male characters, usually in anime. Bishounen, though they may not always be gay, are often associated with yaoi/slash. Its counterpart is bishoujo, "beautiful girl", which rather unfairly has no such connotations of sexuality.
[--Japanese word]

canon  n., adj. a character, story or world as portrayed in the original source material; e.g. in Final Fantasy 6, it's canon that Terra/Tina is half-Esper, since this was stated in the storyline. Reality-versions may adhere to canon religiously, slightly, or not at all. A fan's own personal interpretation of canon, or a fan-created variation from the canon which remains consistent within itself, is often referred to as "fanon", which is much the same thing as a reality-version.

co-consciousness  n. the degree to which people within a system share thoughts, feelings, memories and awareness of each other. To be completely co-conscious is for everyone in a system to be fully aware of everything that everyone else does, says, feels or thinks; to have no co-consciousness whatsoever is to act as a group of people who do not share the same body (and are not telepathic ^^;) would act, only knowing what others do or say when they are stood beside them, and only knowing what they think or feel when they ask or are told.

co-running  v. two or more people fronting at once.

continuum  n. a "sliding scale" which is generally accepted to span between total singularity (no masks or facets) and total Multiplicity (more than one equal, fully-developed person within the same body). The model was developed to show that any point along such a continuum is a normal part of existence, and that there are not just the "sane people" and the "MPD sufferers". Not everybody agrees with the continuum model, and some Multiple groups are actively trying to get it downmoded, but for some people it can be useful. Also called dissociative continuum.

dar'morende  n. a much-maligned (and now seemingly outdated) term in the SoulBonding community, originally just meaning a SoulBond. Interpretations, however, got confused and for a long time the majority of people used the term to mean a "permanent" SoulBond. (Not to be confused with Dar Williams. That's someone different. - Karl.)
[--Originated by Catherine Rain]

dominant  n., adj. (also primary) Refers to the SoulBond or SoulBonds who are currently "fronting". When used as a noun, "primary" tends to imply an extended period of time, or a SoulBond who regularly occupies "front".

dormant  adj. A dormant SoulBond is one who you know has not left you entirely, but whose presence you cannot feel. If you are not aware of what a SoulBond is doing, thinking, feeling etc. at the current time, they are dormant. Dormant SoulBonds are usually back.

empowered  adj. a type of multiple system which rejects the "survivor" view of multiplicity as a negative, disordered, abuse-created state. Empowered multiples may or may not be natural multiples, but they view their multiplicity as a positive and healthy state; they are frequently undiagnosed medically, and many (but not all) reject the concept of integration.
See also survivor.

fangirl  n., adj. a term often used disparagingly to refer to people (mostly female) who practice and superficially flaunt soulpuppetry. (In the wider anime community, simply refers to a female, often obsessive, fan of anime; contrasts with fanboy.)

front  n., v. (to front, fronting) as a noun, describes the "window" through which you and your SoulBonds look at the physical (Earth) world, the place at which one stands to have bodily control; the position of seeing things through the body's eyes and being interactive with the physical world (as opposed to being in a soulscape, in their own worlds/other worlds, or "back"). Also designates someone who is doing this currently (Mary and Jake are front). As a verb, designates the state of being front (Rei is fronting; Spike can front now). Depending on the SoulBonding relationship, "to front" can mean to co-inhabit "front space" alongside the 'Bonder (co-fronting), or to "operate" the body independently of/instead of the 'Bonder. The latter is the generally accepted usage in the multiple community, and the context in which it is used on this site.
--N.B. Other terms for fronting include "being out" (Emeraude is out), although some multiple communities dislike this term, as it implies that everywhere people go when they're not interacting with the Earth world is "in" - i.e. inside the body/mind and therefore less real.
[--Originated by the multiple community]
See also:
back, middle space.

frontrunner  n. a term for whoever is fronting. Can also be used as a "job description", as in "the main frontrunner", the one who's out most or much of the time.
[--Originated by the multiple community]

guests  n. pl. (also visitors) SoulBonds who only stay for a short time, then leave.
See also: permanent.

host  n. the multiple or midcontinuum equivalent of a SoulBonder. The host is the "main", "original" or "first" person in the system; the one who usually or always fronts. Many multiple systems have members who all front equally, and no one identifies as being "head" or "main"; thus, they do not have hosts, and (rightly) dislike this term being used. However, some systems do identify as having hosts (or centres, or main frontrunners, or whatever they may choose to call them). In the Otherkin community, host is a collective noun meaning a multiple system, as in "a host of angels".... which to be honest is just confusing, but hey.
[--Originated by the multiple community]

idea-creature  n. a nice little term for anything born of thought, dreams, imagination or the energies from such processes; whether that be parts of ourselves, our self-images, or our SoulBonds.
[--Originated by Laura Gilkey]

IOHO  acronym In Our Humble Opinion. Dunno if anyone else uses this, but we've found it useful.
[--Originated by.... us, possibly... though I'm sure someone else must have thought of it before]

lil  n. (also little) A child or young person in a multiple system (frequently used in plural: "the littles"). Often seen as derogatory and connected to the survivor community, and many systems don't use it.
[--Originated by the multiple community]

masks  n. pl. (also facets, aspects) The slightly different "modes" that the average person switches between in their daily social life, e.g. the mode of parent when with children, the mode of "one of the boys" when with friends, the mode of professional when at work. "Faceted" or "aspected" refers to having these masks or facets to one's personality (most people do, but not all). Related to the concept of the continuum.

median  n., adj. a term derived as an alternative to midcontinuum, defined as a system centred around one "fire"; a person who is the creative and energetic source of the system, often the "head" or "caretaker" and often (but not always) the one who usually fronts, and without whom the system would probably cease to exist. "Median" usually implies that the other people in the system can front.

midcontinuum  n. the state of being somewhere on the continuum between SoulBonding and multiplicity; the crossover line is usually when SoulBonds begin to front, and/or develop stronger, more "real" presences or personalities, though midcontinuum is a state that may not necessarily have anything to do with SBing. Many multiple communities dislike the use of this term.
[--Originated by the Vickis]
See also:
continuum, median.
Further reading: Our essay on midcontinuum

middle space  n. a state of existence which is neither back nor front; a SoulBond may be able to communicate with you and you can sense their presence, but they are not in control of the body. It can imply any position from "slightly behind front" to "just within shouting range".
[--Originated by La Senza Fine]
See also:
back, front.

multiple  n., adj. (multiplicity: the state of being multiple) The state of having more than one fully-developed, independent person or entity sharing a body, or a person who identifies as being one of such entities. Not to be confused with "Multiple Personality Disorder"; people who identify as multiple commonly have normal, functioning lives and are not "disordered".

muse  n. another word for SoulBond. Classically a "muse" is a deity or other figure that inspires creativity, and as such this term is sometimes used specifically to refer to SoulBonds that inspire writing, or are involved in the process of writing with or via the Bonder; other times, it's just another word for a SoulBond in general.

natural multiple  n. phr. (natural multiplicity) A multiple system who believes their multiplicity originated naturally (e.g. the body as a gateway/portal to other worlds, spiritual channeling, natural state at birth, etc.), not as a result of trauma or abuse. Natural multiples usually see their multiplicity as a positive and/or normal thing. SoulBonding can be considered to be related to natural multiplicity, and natural multiples often forge links with SoulBonding communities.

NPC  n., acronym a character who lives in one's soulscape, but isn't a "full-fledged" SoulBond. Most likely to be friends, family, pets etc. of existing SoulBonds, but can also be "pseudo-SBs" who aren't yet developed enough to be classed as true SBs. NPCs may become SBs, over time. In the multiple community, may be called "fragments".
[--Originated by Hawkeye Erron; derived from the roleplaying term "non-player character"]

Otherkin  n. sing. or pl. a person, including a member of a multiple system, who is not human in race or identifies as other than human in race. "Otherkin" is usually used by people who are distanced from the world or time they feel they originated in, and so is not usually used to refer to non-human SoulBonds, who are frequently fully aware of their home worlds and/or can return to them.
[--Originated by.... well, Otherkin, I guess]
Further reading:

outsourcing  v. (to outsource, outsourced) The SoulBonding of characters that the SoulBonder did not create; deriving a SoulBond from an outside source. E.g. books, plays, anime, TV, video games, fanfic.
[--Originated by Laura Gilkey]

peanut gallery  n. collect. A general consensus of people at or around the back, who aren't identifiable individually due to their distance from the 'Bonder/frontrunner, but who may make comments on the happenings up-front. For example, "I got a 'yes' from the peanut gallery there".
[--Originated by the multiple community]

permanent  adj., n. a term to describe a SoulBond that has stayed with you since you SBed them. (Personally I find it misleading, since this could refer to a SoulBond who's been around twenty minutes or twenty years, and seems to imply that they will stay forever; it's impossible to know whether this will be the case. I don't use this term, though others do.)

plural  adj., n. (plurality: state of being plural) a catch-all, neutral term for "one body, more than one mind/entity/presence/person/existence". Covers SoulBonds/SoulBonders, medians/midconts, multiples and anyone else who isn't alone in their body.

reality-version  n. (RV, r/v; also settai) A SoulBonder's reality-version (or "settai") is their personal interpretation of an outsourced character, story or world, or the "version" of that character who lives with them. Reality-versions can be very close to canon, or drastically altered, or anywhere in between. It is basically a way of saying "In my (or my SoulBond's) version of their reality, such-and-such happened".

sa  pron. gender-neutral pronoun; e.g. "sa went to the store", "sa's books are here". The gender-neutral equivalent of him/herself is "saself". Commonly used when a person's gender is unknown, unclear, the person prefers to identify as gender-neutral or not specify a gender, or when referencing a general audience or group in the third person; saves using terms like "s/he" and "him/her", and avoids embarrassment if someone is not sure of a person's gender. IOHO, far preferable to "sie", "hir" and other such terms, but we're biased. ^^ ::wave "Go Kati" flags::
[--Originated by Kati D'Esprit]

slash  n., adj., v. as a noun or adjective, fan fiction involving same-sex relationships between characters (who many or may not be homosexual in canon), e.g. Kirk/Spock, Heero/Duo. Slash often denotes male/male fiction but can also be female/female. As a verb, to pair up two characters of the same sex in fan fiction or fantasy (e.g. to slash Heero and Duo).
[--Originated by the Star Trek fanfiction community, c. 1970s; named for the "slash" separating characters' names]
See also: yaoi

singlet  n. (singularity; state of being a singlet) Someone who identifies as one person in one body; not multiple or midcontinuum or SoulBond/SoulBonder or soulpuppeteer. Also single, singleton, singletype, monomind, snarfplat, sniglet. These terms can carry a range of connations from neutral to unpleasant; I personally use "single" or "singlet" as a non-derogatory-sounding term. "Sniglet" is a disparaging term for singlets who "Just Don't Get It"; "snarfplat" was a not-entirely-serious response to a discussion on finding a non-derogatory word to describe singlets.
[--Various origins; "snarfplat" originated by the Dark Personalities ML]

SoulBond  n., v., adj. (SoulBonding; SoulBonded) If you don't know what this means, what are you doing here? Go back to the basics page. ^^;;;

SoulBonder  n. the person, usually born in the physical body and usually the one who fronts all or the majority of the time, who connects with characters either created or existing in such a way that they become SoulBonds.

soulscape  n. (also mindscape, headspace, headworld, inner world, other world, etc.) A personal world or place, created by or belonging to the SoulBonder, in which sa's SoulBonds live and/or communally interact, both with sa and each other. A soulscape can be anything from a room in a house, to a whole mansion, to a city, to a country, to a planet, to an entire universe. Many people have more than one soulscape depending on their SoulBonds. Some people many have no soulscape at all, and interact with their SBs simply within themselves (in blackspace/greyspace/whitespace/whatever), or in the SoulBonds' own individual worlds and timelines.
[--"Soulscape" originated by Celes Chere of the Eclective; other terms of various and unknown origin]

soulpuppet  n. (soulpuppeteer, soulpuppetry) A character who exists within a person's mind/body/soul but who does not have independent will or consciousness; sa is merely "puppeteered" or played with in the imagination for entertainment, and is not usually taken seriously by the puppeteer. Soulpuppetry is often seen as a derogatory term, since it is often connected to people who claim to be SoulBonders but merely "collect" popular characters and act their antics out on forums and mailing lists as a form of attention-seeking, not really believing what they claim. Soulpuppets are often bishounen, and soulpuppeteers are often "fangirls" (a derogatory term used to mean obsessive female fans of anime); however, many bishounen SoulBonds are not soulpuppets, and many SoulBonding "fangirls" are not soulpuppeteers. Similarly, though soulpuppetry often features in combination with yaoi/slash, characters who have yaoi/slash stories or connections are not always soulpuppets. Indeed, the connection between soulpuppetry and bishounen/yaoi has made life difficult for many SoulBonders who genuinely have gay or bishounen SoulBonds. Many soulpuppeteers do not believe in SoulBonding, though it could be possible for the two to coexist (and SoulBonds could possibly even have their own soulpuppets). (Karl: Wheehee! I'm playing kissy face with Sephy and Vincent! ::smoosh smoosh::)
[--Originated by Mooncalf]

source  n. the place where an outsourced SoulBond came from, e.g. if you SBed Hermione from Harry Potter, her source would be the Harry Potter novel(s) (or movie, or game, or whatever it was you watched/read/saw that caused you to SB her). SoulBonds may be derived from multiple sources (e.g. some of their traits may come from an anime, some from a manga, others from fan fiction written about them etc.), but their source is usually defined as being the series in general (e.g. Ryoko's source is Tenchi Muyo, which may cover the OAVs, any of the TV series, the manga etc).

stereo-SoulBonding  v. the SoulBonding of the same character by two (or more) people. The SoulBonds themselves may be very similar or very different people, but are derived from the same source (e.g. you and your friend both SB Ryoko). "Stereo-SoulBonding vibes" are what a SoulBond might get when they encounter another reality-version of themselves; confusion, denial, discomfort, etc.
[--Former term originated by the JFW; latter by Laura Gilkey]

survivor  adj. broadly speaking, a type of multiple system which identifies its origins, and its coping strategy, as that of an abuse survivor; as commonly used in the community, someone who not only believes their multiplicity was created by abuse in childhood, but whose belief in this causes them to hold a negative view towards all multiple systems. Such people often see their multiplicity (and everyone else's multiplicity) as a harmful and undesirable thing, believe it can never be natural and scorn people who argue differently, are usually in therapy, and often desire integration (the "resolving" of all people in the system, who are seen as fragments created to cope with the abuse, into a single coherent person).
--N.B. It is important to note that systems, or system members, can be survivors of abuse and yet still identify as empowered and/or even natural multiples. "Survivor" is typically a term used to identify an attitude towards multiplicity, not the state of having survived abuse.

system  n. (also group, household, clan, collective, army, and many other terms) The entirety of entities tied to a single body, and their interactions and hierarchies. A system can comprise masks/facets, SoulBonds, soulpuppets, NPCs/fragments, multiples, and probably other types of entities, in any combination or all at once depending on the system; e.g. multiples could have SoulBonds or soulpuppets, SoulBonds could be faceted, etc. Some systems name themselves collectively, such as Astraea Household or the Blackbirds; this seems more common amongst multiple systems than SoulBonding systems.

tai'morende  n. a much-maligned (and now seemingly outdated) term in the SoulBonding community, originally meaning a reality-version of an outsourced SoulBond's world. Interpretations, however, got confused and for a long time the majority of people used the term to mean a "temporary" SoulBond or guest.
[--Originated by Catherine Rain]

yaoi  n., adj. similar to slash but not necessarily implying fan fiction, yaoi denotes homosexual male relationships, usually in anime. Unpronounceable by most people (who don't speak Japanese), though I'm led to believe "yowie", no matter how groanworthy it sounds, is the closest approximation.
[--Originated by the anime community; acronym for "yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi" which means something along the lines of "no point, no climax, no meaning", but I can never remember]
See also: bishounen

zig  n. something that is "fired" for "great justice". You know what you doing. (Sorry, I just wanted a "Z" entry. ^^;;;;)

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